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In the back office of your website you will see a help button.

When you click on the help button links will appear in the left hand side of your screen. See below image:

Help links which appears on left of screen when you click on help in the back office of your website

You can then click on any of the links.

Q&A (Questions and answers)

In this section you can ask questions by typing in your question. A data base of answers will appear. If your question has not been answered you have the option to ad the question as a new question.

These questions appear in the Kwikwap Bulletin Board (Inside the back office of every Kwikap Client.) These questions are answered by clients and Kwikwap Consultants.

My agents details

When you click on this link you will see your Kwikwap Consultant's details. You Kwikwap Consultant is your best and first line of support. If you paid R2,500 for your training you have the right to at least two to three hours onsite training.

Your Kwikwap Consultant might be willing to train your new staff onsite at an agreed upon fee. You Kwikwap Consultant should be willing to help you untill you are well conversed in the system.

See Role of Consultant

E Mail Help Documents

These instructions will help you set up your e mail in Microsoft Outlook , Microsoft Express and Windows mail. You get an e mail address with your domain. Only available on the R99 and R150 products. (Level 2 and Level 3)

How can I Improve my web presence

When you click on this link you will see further links opening in the middle of your screen.

See below image

Links to documents explaining how you can improve your web presence SEO Guidelines

You will see links to documents which you can open and read or e mail to yourself. These documents are important if you want to improve your Search Engine Optimization.

Each of these sections will be explained in more detail in this section of Kwikwap Training.

Click on the links (Indicated by Red Text) to go to the relevant section.